

トップページ > Foreign Language > English > Dial 110 emergency call placed by mobile phone

Dial 110 emergency call placed by mobile phone

Number of Dial 110 emergency calls placed by mobile phone occupies more than half of emergency police calls.

With mobile phone you can call 110 from virtually any place. On the other hand, your getting away from crime scene and not being able to inform of the place may lead to delay for police to locate the scene and deal with the matter.

Please pay particular attention to the following points as you call 110 with mobile phone.

Call Dial 110 from crime scene

For police officers to be dispatched, first and foremost it is necessary to locate the crime scene.
Please call 110 from crime scene so that you can properly inform police officer of the place.

Understand the characteristics of mobile phone

Talking on the phone while you are moving results in unclear voice and unstable wire communication.
In case you call 110 on prefectural boundary or peninsular, you might be connected to adjacent prefectural police headquarters.

Don't move after call and keep turning on your mobile

Police officers may need to call you back to confirm necessary information. If you are away from crime scene it may cause to delay for police officers to arrive.


(For Inquiries)
Kyoto Prefectural Police Headquarters Communication Command Division
85-3 Yabunouchi-cho, Shimochoja-machi-dori, Shinmachi-nishi-iru, Kamigyo-ward, Kyoto city