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Updated:March 16, 2009

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Landscape of Kyoto Prefecture

Kyoto prefecture is at the center of the Japanese archipelago, and its area of 4,613.21km2 covers 1.2 % of the archipelago, making it the 31st largest of the 47 prefectures .
The Japan Sea and Fukui Prefecture lie towards its north, Osaka Prefecture and Nara Prefecture lie to its south, whilst Mie and Shiga prefectures are located towards its east.
Kyoto Prefecture, which is long and narrow from north to south, has the Tanba highlands positioned roughly at its center, dividing the climate of the region into two varieties, the Japan Sea variety and the continental variety.
The coast line in the Tango and Chutan regions is a sawtooth formation, and is blessed with many scenic spots and good ports.
The area between Chutan and the Chubu region is mainly highlands. The Katsura and Yura Rivers flow from the Tanba highlands, and the Kameoka basin, Fukuchiyama basin, and other small basins are located along their path.
The Yamashiro Basin sprawls out over the Kyoto, Otokuni, Yamashirochubu and Soraku regions, centered on the confluence of the Katsura, Uji, and Kizu rivers.

Kyoto Prefectural Bird:Calonectris leucomelas
(Selected by the public in 1965)

Migratory bird living on Kanmuri island off Maizuru city from February to around November. It is called the "Fish Bird" as it indicates the location of groups of fish. It also has the strange habit of taking flight off trees and rocks.

Kyoto Prefectural Flower:Shidare-Zakura
(Selected by the public in 1954)

The flower has pretty vermilion petals and is the symbol of the elegance of Kyoto. It is hardy against snowstorms, and this strength is said to be shared by the people of Kyoto.

Kyoto Prefectural Tree:Kitayamasugi
(Selected by the public in 1966)

Kitayamasugi, cedar, Which is famous for its beautiful, shiny, rounded wood and its figure which grows straight up towards the heavens is a symbol of a ’growing Kyoto prefecture.’

Kyoto Prefectural Flowering Plant:Saga-Giku
(Selected by the public in 1990)

Originates in the Saga area in Kyoto, and is the symbol of Kyoto.
It is a perennial plant belonging to the chrysanthemum family. The flowers bloom from October to November in a variety of colors such as red, pink, white, and yellow.

Kyoto Prefectural Flowering Plant:Nadeshiko Pink
(Selected by the public in 1990)

Has been described in classics, and grows naturally in the dry riverbed of the Kamo River. The people in Kyoto prefecture are familiar with it as ’Kawara Nadeshiko’
It is a perennial plant belonging to the Pink family. The flowers bloom from March to November in a variety of colors such as vermilion, pink and white.