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Updated:September 26, 2024
Mikiko Kainuma(Born in 1950), Japan
(Research Advisor, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Honorary Director General, National Institute for Environmental Studies)
In 1990, the development of the Asia-Pacific Integrated Assessment Model (AIM) was initiated in collaboration with both the National Institute for Environmental Studies and Kyoto University. This was done because AIM was considered important in order to take measures in the Asian region to prevent global warming. The first AIM International Workshop was held in 1996 with researchers from China, India, Korea and Indonesia; the 29th AIM International Workshop in 2023 included researchers from countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, Nepal and Vietnam, who convened to discuss how a decarbonized society might be achieved.
Following the 2°C target (and 1.5°C challenge) agreed in the Paris Agreement, the IPCC's 1.5°C Special Report published in 2018 showed a significant difference in the impact between 2°C and 1.5°C. As one of the authors, she disseminated the findings that strengthened the long-term goal of the Paris Agreement from 2°C to 1.5°C.
In order to achieve a decarbonized society, there is a need for appropriate infrastructure, corresponding investments, changes in inhabitants' lifestyles, and a supportive political culture. Taking these factors into account, the project is involved in activities which study concrete pathways towards 2050, and provides knowledge to international organizations such as the IPCC.
Partha Dasgupta(Born in1942), England
(Frank Ramsey Emeritus Professor, University of Cambridge)
Sir Partha Dasgupta is a fellow of the British Academy and the Royal Society. He is a past recipient of the Volvo Environment Award, Zayed International Prize for the Environment, Blue Planet Prize, Tyler Prize, Royal Botanical Gardens Kew International Medal, and the BBVA Award in Economics, Finance and Management.
His research area is resource economics. He has expanded his activities mainly in areas related to the economics of poverty, malnutrition, game theory, industrial organisation, and population ethics, and has completed a report on “The Economics of Biodiversity” to the HM Treasury, aiming to develop economics based on the links between population, consumption, and the biosphere.
In 2002, he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II, and in 2023 he was appointed a “Knight of the Grand Cross of the British Empire” by King Charles III. His publications include “The Control of Resources”, “An Inquiry into Well-Being and Destitution”, “Human Well-Being and the Natural Environment” and “Economics”.
Satoshi Yamagishi(Born in1939), Japan
(Honorary Director General, Yamashina Institute for Ornithology)
Dr. Satoshi YAMAGISHI graduated from the Department of Natural Science, the Faculty of
Education, at Shinshu University. He served as assistant professor at the same university, professor at the Faculty of Science, Osaka City University, and professor at the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University. He was engaged in research about the breeding strategies of birds, was involved in the training of various other researchers, and contributed to the expansion of “behavioral ecology” in Japan.
He also involved with research on Sickle-billed Vangas biology in the Republic of Madagascar, where he contributed to clarifying the mechanisms of biodiversity of the island. Published and donated a book called “Journal of Field Ornithology” in both the languages of Japanese and Malagasy, which was dedicated to the childern in Madacascar; this book contributed to the conservation of biodiversity in the country. Following this, he was appointed as President of the Ornithological Society of Japan. He was also involved in the establishment of the Society for the Scientific Study of River Ecology and the Society for Applied Ecological Engineering, aiming to integrate ecology and engineering, and served as Chairman of Applied Ecological Engineering. He also served as emeritus professor at Osaka City University.
After retiring from the unveristy, he then served as Director General of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology, Director of the Niigata University Crested Ibis Nature Restoration Center, and Director of the Hyogo Park of the Oriental White Stork. During this time, he also became a temporary member of the central environmental council of the Ministry of Environment, and acted as Chairman of the Wildlife division to project biological conservation policies; in doing so he contributed towards the preservation and reintroduction of rare bird species. He was especially instrumental in the launch of Inter- institutional Panel on Population Management of the Oriental White Stork, carried out in order to integrate conservation in and out of the institute, and he also acted as a representative of this institute.
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